Bushfire Preparedness Plan for Healthcare, Aged Care and Disability Support Providers
At PRM Training we are renowned for our expertise in emergency management training and this year we’ve taken a pioneering approach to the bushfire season. The team has crafted a comprehensive Bushfire Preparedness Plan tailored specifically for healthcare, aged care, and disability support providers. Read on to learn more.
Emergency Planning for Healthcare and Aged Care
Aaron Gormly, Founder of PRM, is an expert when it comes to emergency planning for healthcare and aged care facilities. In his latest video, Emergency Planning for Healthcare and Aged Care Facilities, he discusses the importance of updating and modernising your emergency procedures.
NEW! Fire Safety Officer (FSO) Training with the experts
In our mission to help you keep your people out of harm’s way, we are so proud to deliver our brand new, 2-day, Fire Safety Officer (FSO) Training course.
Risk Mitigation at Height & in Confined Space For Facility Managers
Managing a facility, regardless of its size or complexity, is a demanding challenge. Add the requirement to sign off on, and supervise, the safety of workers and contractors, while conducting maintenance and you’ve significantly increased your workload and stress level.
PRM has developed a risk management training program specifically designed for individuals tasked with the management and supervision of workers at risk.
Evacuation Exercise St Joseph’s Auburn
PRM was recently requested to facilitate a realistic fire emergency evacuation exercise at St Joseph’s hospital in Auburn.
Effective use of slide sheets in Health/Disability Care Facilities
We regularly conduct emergency management training in healthcare/aged care and disability care environments. In such training we focus on the evacuation methodology available to staff including the use of beds, wheelchairs, shower chairs and purpose made rescue slide sheets.
Sprinklers in the Workplace
With the amount of new buildings, factories and apartment complexes been built these days it exposes more people to sprinklers. Sprinklers are now a legal requirement in many industries including, health, disability and aged care facilities. They are also required in high rise living.
Australian Standards – What Every Business Owner Needs to Know!
Australian Standards 1851 (AS 1851) sets out the rules and regulations that ensure building owners are compliant in meeting the safety standards imposed on fire protection systems. The guidelines help to ensure all state and Occupational Health & Safety rules are met so the building owner can be sure they are compliant with all applicable laws.
What is it about a confined space that makes it so scary?
PRM Training are occasionally approached to provide specialist advice on risk management with respect to a confined space. From our experience, there is still a lot of uncertainty in industry as to what actually constitutes a confined space, and what exactly are the legal requirements around working in that space.
Did you know that we have no sense of smell while sleeping?
Smoke detectors act as our noses while we sleep and for good reason!
A study undertaken at the Brown University located in the United States of America, conducted an experiment by pumping peppermint and pyridine (a common byproduct of combustion) into the rooms of six sleeping subjects. The subjects were encouraged to sleep in a position that encouraged nose breathing, and over the course of the two nights the scents were pumped into the rooms during various sleeping stages.